› Research Software Engineering in OpenLB: Refactoring a Legacy Code to State-Of-The-Art Performance - Adrian Kummerlaender, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
13:00-13:20 (20min)
› Making 30k lines of C++ code future-proof - Deniz Kılıç, Forschungszentrum Jülich
13:20-13:40 (20min)
› Embracing legacy research code: Should we? If so, how? - Joscha T. Schmiedt, Brain Research Institute Universität Bremen
13:40-14:00 (20min)
13:00 - 14:00 (1h)
Workflows - Reproducibility - Orchestration
Philipp Schäfer
› Non-Sequential Machine Learning Pipelines with pyWATTS - Benedikt Heidrich, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie - Kaleb Phipps, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
13:00-13:20 (20min)
› ZnTrack: Workflow Management and Data Version Control - Fabian Zills, Institute for Computational Physics, University of Stuttgart
13:20-13:40 (20min)
› Want to track pandemic variants faster? Scalable and reproducible SARS-CoV-2 genome reconstruction for genomic surveillance - Marie Lataretu, Methods Development, Research Infrastructure and Information Technology, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin
13:40-14:00 (20min)
13:00 - 14:00 (1h)
Maturing with your software
Florian Goth
› LIBRSB: journey from PhD by-product to universally usable Sparse Linear Algebra Library - Michele Martone, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre
13:00-13:20 (20min)
› LearnLib: an open-source library for automata learning algorithms - Falk Howar, TU Dortmund
13:20-13:40 (20min)
› The four elements of achieving research software sustainability for long tail projects - Stephan Druskat, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Software Technology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Computer Science, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Dept. of English Studies
13:40-14:00 (20min)
› Fostering quality improvement for RSE projects through consulting offers - Förster Thomas, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› A Research Software Engineering Workflow for Computational Science and Engineering - Moritz Schwarzmeier, TU Darmstadt
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› Opening Pandora's box of HPC software development - Ivo Kabadshow, FZ Juelich
15:10-15:30 (20min)
14:30 - 15:30 (1h)
Integration vs. Modularity
Daniel de Mentock
› From disconnected elements to a harmonious ecosystem: the Epiverse-TRACE project - Hugo Gruson, data.org
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› ESPResSo and LbmPy: Re-usable and modular interface between particle-based and lattice-based simulation codes - Jean-Noël Grad, Institute for Computational Physics, University of Stuttgart
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› Modularity in Software-Hardware Interaction for Experimental Physics, an Example - Yudong Sun, Max-Planck-Institute für Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Straße 1, 85748 Garching bei München, Fakultät für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Am Coulombwall 1, 85748 Garching bei München
15:10-15:30 (20min)
14:30 - 15:30 (1h)
Organization-wide initiatives
Claire Wyatt
› SURESOFT: Towards Sustainable Reseach Software - Sören Peters, Technische Universität Braunschweig = Technical University of Braunschweig [Braunschweig] - Sven Marcus, Technische Universität Braunschweig = Technical University of Braunschweig [Braunschweig] - Jan Linxweiler, Technische Universität Braunschweig = Technical University of Braunschweig [Braunschweig]
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› Research Software Engineering (RSE) als Service einer wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek - Ingo Pfennigstorf, Göttingen State and University Library - Kristine Schima-Voigt, Göttingen State and University Library - Mustafa Dogan, Göttingen State and University Library
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› The DJango Academic Community Platform (DJAC): An open-source website for transparent discussion, collaboration and management in an academic community - Philipp S. Sommer, Helmholtz- Zentrum Hereon
16:00-16:20 (20min)
› GlobaLID: A research data infrastructure for lead isotope data in archaeology - Thomas Rose, Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, Forschungsbereich Archäometallurgie
16:20-16:40 (20min)
› A look into the architecture of MINE - a data portal for historical text - Triet Doan, Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen
16:40-17:00 (20min)
16:00 - 17:00 (1h)
Moritz Schwarzmeier
› Mapping Research Software Landscapes through Exploratory Studies of GitHub Data - Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Universität Potsdam
16:00-16:20 (20min)
› Wie können aus Backlogs Unit Tests erzeugt werden? - Ursula Oesing, Iris Grcic
16:20-16:40 (20min)
› Architecture Recovery and Optimization for Scientific Software - Reiner Jung, Kiel University
16:40-17:00 (20min)
16:00 - 17:00 (1h)
Daniel Nüst
› The Citation File Format: Providing citation metadata for research software - Stephan Druskat, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Software Technology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dept. of Computer Science
16:00-16:20 (20min)
› HERMES: Easing the path to FAIR software publications - Stephan Druskat, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Software Technology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department of Computer Science
16:20-16:40 (20min)
› Scientific Metadata: From Filesystem to Metadata Catalog - David Pape, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
16:40-17:00 (20min)
› All you need to know about Software Licenses as an RSE - Tobias Schlauch, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Software Technology
17:15-17:35 (20min)
› From Research to Regulated Software - Christoph Kämpf, Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI
17:35-17:55 (20min)
17:15 - 17:55 (40min)
Tomas Stary
› Developing Reliable Research Software for AI-based Evaluation of Realtime Cardiac MRI - Philipp Rosauer, Institute for Software Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne
17:15-17:35 (20min)
› DL4PuDe: Deep-Learning Framework for Pushing Detection in Pedestrian Dynamics - Ahmed Alia, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
17:35-17:55 (20min)
› HIFIS - Boosting Research Software Engineering in Helmholtz - Huste Tobias, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
19:01-19:02 (01min)
› Disentangle a pedestrian trajectory analysis tool - How to convert a spaghetti C/C++ tool to a python library - Schrödter Tobias, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
19:02-19:03 (01min)
› A Simple Angle-resolved Time-of-Flight Data & Analysis Module with Python - Haydar Altuğ Yıldırım, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam, Freie Universitaet Berlin
19:03-19:04 (01min)
› A Memory Layout DSL for hypercubic lattice data structures - Michele Mesiti, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
19:04-19:05 (01min)
› Result Assessment Tool (RAT) - Sebastian Sünkler, HAW Hamburg
19:05-19:06 (01min)
› Metador: A metadata-centric framework for enabling FAIR research (meta)data - Anton Pirogov, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
19:06-19:07 (01min)
› Building and exploring databases of research metadata with Beaverdam - Heather More, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6) and Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6) and JARA-Institute Brain Structure-Function Relationships (INM-10), Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany, Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-9), Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany
19:07-19:08 (01min)
› Connecting research data from files, ELN, or data repositories using the open-source semantic research-data management toolkit CaosDB - Florian Spreckelsen, IndiScale GmbH, Lotzestraße 22a, 37083 Göttingen
19:08-19:09 (01min)
› Pipelines for Software Metadata Conversion and Publication - Tomas Stary, Karlsruhe Institut of Technology
19:09-19:10 (01min)
› The NFDI4Culture Software Consulting Agency - Daniel Jettka, Universität Paderborn
19:10-19:11 (01min)
› Rigor, reproducibility and validation in neural data analysis: a discussion based on the Elephant toolbox - Michael Denker, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine and Institute for Advanced Simulation and JARA BRAIN Institute, Jülich Research Centre
19:11-19:12 (01min)
› Facilitating “Great Bake Offs” of Computational Workflows - Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Universität Potsdam
19:12-19:13 (01min)
› HELIPORT — An Integrated Research Data Lifecycle - Oliver Knodel, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
19:13-19:14 (01min)
› RCE: An Orchestration Software for Multidisciplinary Software Tool Chains - Jan Flink, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Software Technology - Kathrin Schaffert, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Software Technology - Alexander Weinert, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Software Technology
19:14-19:15 (01min)
› Regional research software communities: Bridging local and national research software activities - Jeremy Cohen, Department of Computing, Imperial College London
19:15-19:16 (01min)
› Software development for working with oral corpora - Elena Frick, Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache (IDS)
19:16-19:17 (01min)
› RSEng expertise for scientific peer review with CODECHECK - Daniel Nüst, CODECHECK Initiative, de-RSE, NFDI4Earth
19:17-19:18 (01min)
› Open Science Services for Good Scientific Practice in a Digital Age - Heidi Seibold, Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education
19:18-19:19 (01min)
› How to enrich scientific research with metadata? - Thomas Gruber, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
19:19-19:20 (01min)
› Applying pyWATTS to Non-Sequential Machine Learning Use-Cases - Kaleb Phipps, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie - Benedikt Heidrich, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie - Oliver Neumann, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
19:20-19:21 (01min)
› ideal.II a Galerkin space-time extension to the finite element library deal.II - Jan Philipp Thiele, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Leibniz University Hannover
19:21-19:22 (01min)
› OCTOPOS.jl: A user-friendly tool for synonymous genetic code optimization - Simon Christ, Leibniz University Hannover
19:22-19:23 (01min)
› Improving the user experience for diffraction data analysis -
19:23-19:24 (01min)
18:30 - 20:00 (1h30)
Demo Session
› Architecture Recovery and Optimization for Scientific Models - Reiner Jung, Kiel University
19:00-19:01 (01min)
› Quicksetup-ai: reusable template for clean and reproducible code - Isra Mekki, Helmholtz AI, Helmholtz Munich
19:01-19:02 (01min)
› The HERMES workflow for automatic software publication - Michael Meinel, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Software Technology
19:02-19:03 (01min)
19:30 - 19:45 (15min)
youngRSE competition winner announcement
We announce the winners of the youngRSE contestants!
› Research Software In The Cloud? - Peter Schmidt, University College, London
09:30-09:50 (20min)
› From source code to software as a service, how to make software more accessible? - Uwe Konrad, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf - Tobias Huste, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf - Thomas Schnicke, Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung = Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
09:50-10:10 (20min)
› MetaHub Registry: An OCI compliant Container Registry to reduce the complexity of herding scientific software containers. - Kniep Christian, QNIB Solutions
10:10-10:30 (20min)
9:30 - 10:30 (1h)
Initial Software Project planning
Claire Wyatt
› The HiRSE_PS project - evaluating and building support measures for RSE within the Helmholtz Association - René Caspart, Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
09:30-09:50 (20min)
› Reusable Research Software Components in the GDart Ecosystem - Falk Howar, TU Dortmund University
09:50-10:10 (20min)
› Stakeholder orientated documentation - Jan Bernoth, University of Potsdam
10:10-10:30 (20min)
› The rocky road to introducing new software tools in existing teams or how to teach your colleagues to do better. - Lukas Lamm, RWTH Aachen University
11:00-11:20 (20min)
› HIFIS: Building a Workshop Portfolio from 0 - Fredo Erxleben, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
11:20-11:40 (20min)
› Policies und Networking für den nachhaltigen Umgang mit Forschungssoftware in Helmholtz - Heinz Pampel, Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft = Helmholtz Association
11:40-12:00 (20min)
› Introducing the Fortran-lang community - Ivan Pribec, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Garching
12:00-12:20 (20min)
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Heterogeneous Computer Architectures
Dmitry Nikolaenko
› ACME: Flexible Scalability for Research Software - Stefan Fuertinger, Ernst Strüngmann Institute (ESI) for Neuroscience in Cooperation with Max Planck Society
11:00-11:20 (20min)
› Coping with the heterogeneous computing landscape using modern programming models and languages - Steffen Christgau, Zuse Institute Berlin
11:20-11:40 (20min)
› GPU-Unterstützung in der Bibliotheksentwicklung - Olaf Krzikalla, DLR e.V., Institut SP
11:40-12:00 (20min)
› Experiences in promoting the integration of numerical research libraries to domain applications - Xinzhe WU, Jülich Supercomputing Centre
12:00-12:20 (20min)
› Boosting complex Systems Research through RSE Collaboration - Jeffrey Kelling, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Chemnitz University of Technology / Technische Universität Chemnitz
13:30-13:50 (20min)
› DAMASK: Challenges in collaborative development and outlook - Daniel Otto de Mentock, Max Planck Institute for Iron Research
13:50-14:10 (20min)
› User Experience in the Research Software Ecosystem - Jan Dittrich, Superbloom
14:10-14:30 (20min)
13:30 - 14:30 (1h)
Domain Specific Languages
Michele Mesiti
› User centering and model-based development - a perfect match? - Jörn Kreutel, BHT Berlin
13:30-13:50 (20min)
› DSL for Configuration and Parameter Setup of Scientific Models -
13:50-14:10 (20min)
› Fortran as a General-Purpose Programming Language - Philipp Engel, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut; Technische Universität Berlin
14:10-14:30 (20min)
14:30 - 14:50 (20min)
Logistics Break
14:50 - 15:30 (40min)
General Overviews
Moritz Schwarzmeier
› Agile Forschungssoftware-Entwicklung - Lilja Mareike Sautter, Göttingen State and University Library - Kay Liewald, Göttingen State and University Library
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› Simple and pragmatic guidelines for reproducibility in scientific data analysis workflows - Alexander Schlemmer, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-organization, Am Fassberg 17, 37077 Göttingen, German Center for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), Partner Site Göttingen, Robert-Koch-Str. 42a, 37075 Göttingen
15:10-15:30 (20min)
14:50 - 15:30 (40min)
User Interfaces and Experiences
Daniel Nüst
› PedDashboard: Web-based Exploratory Visualization and Interactive Analysis of Pedestrian's Trajectories using Python - Mohcine Chraibi, Mohcine Chraibi, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› Entwicklung einer Webapplikation zur Darstellung wissenschaftlicher Daten und Ergebnisse - Luca Spataro, DLR Institut für Softwaretechnologie - Rebecca Brydon, DLR Institut für Softwaretechnologie
15:10-15:30 (20min)
› The (Un)Answered Question – Eine musikalische Data Science Versuchsanordnung - Lynn von Kurnatowski, German Aerospace Center
16:00-16:20 (20min)
› Prototyp für eine Benutzeroberfläche für KI-gestützte Takterkennung von Digitalen Musikalien - Lukas Retschmeier, Technische Universität München = Technical University of Munich
16:20-16:40 (20min)
› MEIGarage as an example of collaboration on long-living research software in different research communities - Anne Ferger, University of Paderborn
16:40-17:00 (20min)
› Teaching and Learning Research Software Engineering - Heidi Seibold, Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education - Samantha Wittke, CSC- IT center for science, Espoo, coderefinery.org - Philipp Thiele, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Leibniz University Hannover - Jeremy Cohen, Department of Computing, Imperial College London - Florian Goth, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg [Wurtzbourg, Allemagne]
12:15-13:00 (45min)
› Teaching and Learning Research Software Engineering - Heidi Seibold, Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education - Samantha Wittke, CSC- IT center for science, Espoo, coderefinery.org - Philipp Thiele, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Leibniz University Hannover - Jeremy Cohen, Department of Computing, Imperial College London - Florian Goth, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg [Wurtzbourg, Allemagne]
14:00-15:15 (1h15)
› Generating your educational material or documentation with mkdocs and pipelines - Förster Thomas, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
15:15-17:15 (2h)